Just Breathe…

breathe     The most simplest thing, and yet we forget…

To Breathe…

You know your a little off when your 7 year old grabs your hands and reminds you to breathe.  This is why I love this little girl soooo much!

Very stressful couple of weeks, I was no longer able to hold it in.  I was starting to go off, I was losing it, just a little!  What does Ella do…Gently takes hold of both my hands and looks me straight in the eyes…

“Whoa Mamma!  Just Breathe.  Take a big breath and breathe.  You need to just hug me!  Mamma, everything is fine. Get out of your head!”

And I did just that…

5 thoughts on “Just Breathe…

  1. Children understand the problems of the world as we grow we forget the real purpose of life. “Indigo child” they say 3/10 are born indigos. But society and the way it works makes the kids never stay the same way.

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