Love, Light, Happiness and Hope

Beautiful insights and advice from a 7  year old who is truly the definition of Love!  I have been blessed with my very own (spiritual teacher), my beautiful daughter, Ella Jane!  She is pure love, light, joy and happiness.  She is who we are all striving to be!  Ella came to us as a little bright shining star and her light just keeps growing brighter and wiser each day.  She shares this light with anyone and everyone she meets, her happiness is infectious, she is a very special little soul!

This is a collection of all the lessons and insights she has taught me so far. Everyday she teaches me something new and reminds me of why we are here, (To Love).   I feel so very blessed and privileged to be her mother…

I would love for you to comment below and share your stories and insights from your child. I have started a collection from friends and family and I am compiling them all into a book! I believe all our children have messages… if we’re listening.

Thankyou for reading and sharing these beautiful gifts from our children!


18 thoughts on “Love, Light, Happiness and Hope

  1. My children are all grown but I do have beautiful grandchildren. My daughter recently told me she was have a disagreement with her nine year old daughter and said to her; “You are just like Nonni”, (Italian for grandmother).
    My grand daughter looked at her mom and said with a big smile; “Yes I am”. I loved it. :o)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for following my blog, which allowed me to discover yours! This is such a wonderful idea for a blog. Really good. Children are so pure, and have views and thoughts unadulterated by the conceit and cynicism of the average adult existence! I will look forward to reading your posts. 🙂

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